Cancer screening examination at Forest of Regeneration Clinic Roppongi (Saisei no Mori Clinic Roppongi)

Cancer screening examination

Features: Covers those who have tested positive for amino index or nematode cancer, those who are young but have a family history of cancer and are worried about cancer, and those who have or have had cancer at a different age. In response to the growing demand for cancer screening, our hospital has created the Saisei-no-Mori Whole Body Cancer Screening Course, which combines cancer genetic testing, MRI testing using the DWIBS method, and CT testing.

The DWIBS method is a new testing method developed by a Japanese doctor in 2004 as MRI became more sophisticated. Generally, cancer cells have a high cell density and the movement between cells is slow, which is used to detect and analyze the movement using MRI to diagnose cancer. PET-CT uses the fact that cancer has a higher sugar metabolism than normal cells to detect and diagnose cancer, so its mechanism is different from the DWIBS method.

Comparison of DWIBS method and PET-CT

Comparison items PET-CT DWIBS
Dietary restrictions before testing Fast from approximately 4 to 5 hours before the test time. Do not drink sugary drinks such as juice or milk, or alcohol. nothing special
injection Administer test drug FDG (radioactive substance) none
medical exposure Yes (double exposure to X-rays and FDG, although the amount is not enough to cause concerns about side effects) none
Shooting time Around 30 minutes Around 30 minutes
resting time Before the test: About 1 hour for the test drug to spread throughout the body / After the test: About 30 minutes to 1 hour to attenuate the radioactive material (about 3 hours in total) none
Precautions for medical examination Those who are pregnant or have kidney disease are not allowed to visit the clinic. Consultation is required if you have high blood sugar levels or are undergoing diabetes treatment (test results may not be accurate) Patients with metal plates in their body, pacemaker users, tattoos, etc. cannot be examined.
Time required from reception to completion 2-3 hours 1 to 1 hour 30 minutes
weak points stomach, urinary system, etc. Stomach, esophagus, large intestine, thyroid, lungs, etc. *

Oncogene (Cancer gene) test CanTect

CanTect analyzes the current status of cancer-related genes, quantifies the risk of cancer, and can be used to prevent cancer, confirm the effectiveness of cancer treatment, and prevent recurrence.

Analysis of oncogene expression

We will select 47 genes that are highly associated with cancer development and measure their messenger RNA levels. At present, it only evaluates the susceptibility to cancer, and it seems difficult to identify individual cancers.

Free DNA concentration

Cell death occurs frequently in cancer tissues even without any treatment, and a large amount of DNA from dead cells flows into the bloodstream, resulting in an increase in free DNA concentration compared to healthy individuals. Therefore, higher concentrations increase the risk of cancer development.

Mutation analysis

DNA constantly mutates due to external stimuli (ultraviolet rays, chemicals, active oxygen, etc.), but if a mutation is found in the DNA of a tumor suppressor gene, the DNA repair mechanism and immunity weaken, and the mutation occurs. Genes are not removed, which promotes the development and proliferation of cancer cells.

Methylation analysis

If a phenomenon called methylation occurs in tumor suppressor genes, which turns them off, they will no longer be able to suppress cancer development. If two or more methylated tumor suppressor genes are present, cancer is suspected.

Based on these results, we will promote screening of organs that are susceptible to cancer. For patients diagnosed with C or D, we provide lifestyle guidance focused on diet to prevent the occurrence or progression of cancer, as well as recurrence after cancer treatment.

Specimen collection method: blood collection 25ml
Results determination: 3 to 4 weeks





  • 消化管
  • 胆肝膵
  • 乳腺


  • 診断ならびに治療方針に関して不安を抱えておられる方
  • 紹介先医療機関にご不安を持っておられる方
  • 複数の選択肢から治療法を選択する際の相談者を求めておられる方
  • 主治医とのコミュニケーションにお悩みを抱えておられる方
  • その他、がん治療に関する「よろず相談」を希望される方











  • 転医、転院を前提としたご相談

  • 医療過誤および裁判係争中に関するご相談

  • 診療情報提供書・各種医療データのご提示なきご相談

  • 既に終了している治療に関するご相談

  • 既にお亡くなりになった患者様に関するご相談





クリニックの院長(医博)、川本徹は、筑波大学の臨床医学系外科(消化器)の講師の任にあった期間のうち、2003 年7 月より2006 年8 月までの間、アメリカテキサス州にある、テキサス大学MD アンダーソンがんセンター(正式英文名称:University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center)において、研究所ならびに臨床腫瘍科に所属しながら、assistant professor として主に消化器がんの病理研究と臨床研究に携わって参りました。当クリニックでは、院長のこれらの経験と人脈を生かして、テキサス大学M.D. アンダーソンがんセンターにおけるがん治療コンサルテーション、あるいは実際に受診を希望される患者様への医療サービスを提供することとしました。今や、がん治療は日進月歩で治療薬が開発され、治療手段が無いと諦められていた進行がんもアメリカでは治療対象となっているのもあります。日本国内で既存のがん治療で効果が不十分であったり、国内で他の治療法が無いと宣告された方や最初から世界最先端のがん治療を希望される方などを対象とし、総合的な医療アドバイスをご提供した後、同機関への紹介に尽力いたします。


初回診察料 5,500円(税込み)
基本相談料 初回1時間まで 9,900円(税込)
英文による、診療情報提供書の作成 1件、33,000円(税込)



    ● 面談は完全予約制となります。
    ● お申し込みやお問い合わせは電話にて受け付けます。
    TEL 03-3401-3141